Med vzvratno vožnjo me vpraša, kam. Končno si pripnem pas in skomignem. »No? Vodi me,« vztraja. »Ne poznam Ljubljane.« Ne pozna niti mene.
While reversing the car, she asks me where to. Finally, I fasten my seatbelt and shrug. ”Well, you guide me” she insists, “I don't know Ljubljana.” She doesn't even know me.
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“This is not getting us anywhere,” she says reproachfully. I shrug. Where are we supposed to be getting? I'm not stupid. I hid the brass knuckles under a big rock. They’re no joke. Giuseppe gave them to me, back in February when I last saw him. Don’t fuck around with them, he warned me sternly.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)I don’t know if my parents wanted to move at all. I certainly didn’t. Moving is actually what the social worker, the counselors, and some of the police wanted us to do. Nicest of all was the detective. Maybe because he had a thousand questions. Because he behaved as though this was our shared concern.
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All these troubles arose from her old delusions. She got involved with Simi, listened to the Prophet, fucked up college at least five times and also getting a permanent job. Now she became anxious, getting high, drinking and just recently she bedded her only friend.
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She looked more and more like a tattooed drug addict. Only time in prison was missing. But a few years later, a wonderful opportunity appeared that might land her just there.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)Bilo me je strah. Vedela sem, da stara mama umira, in nisem hotela biti zraven, ko bi smrt dejansko prišla po njeno življenje. Hotela sem, da smrt in stara mama to opravita brez mene.
As I was cycling, I suddenly realised with horror that I would only be going there for as long as my grandmother was alive and that the three of us, my grandmother, my dad and I, were already like ghosts in that abandoned house with many empty rooms.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)A ko so tako plesali vsi skupaj, vsi, ki so imeli radi glem rokerje, a niso marali socialne delavke in razredničarke, nekateri med njimi tudi ne učenja ne knjig ne šole nasploh, vsi pa so bili asimulanti ali pa zgube, je bilo vse prav, nobenih razlik po klinih.
Occasionally somebody would meekly ask her to help with a dislodged bike chain. This she knew how to do and she was always happy to help bicycles - not people. And this was the only and real reason why her mother was never summoned to school again.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)Ja, fejst, a ne, kako naj zdaj frendom povem, da bom nekaj časa obiskoval dohtarja za glavo, no, saj ne da bi bil za v Polje, samo tako za družinski turizem. Kar dvignilo se mi je. Vse.
But I’d still prefer to be a winner. If I can, I want to be a winner. But since I wasn’t born into it, I’ll find some other way to become a winner. By hook or by crook – that’s probably the only way of becoming a winner. Unless you were born one, but that’s not the case with me.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)Preden te nabutajo z nevroleptiki in te pripeljejo nazaj. Preden te začnejo glodati črv dvoma ali črv slabe vesti ali pa črv trdega diska in te vržejo nazaj v ta svet in spet prideš k sebi in z olajšanjem ugotoviš, da ti v bistvu gre bolje, pravzaprav ti gre zelo dobro, saj si na povsem odprtem oddelku.
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You said that you wanted everyone to get out at this station so that you could go on drawing funny little people on my arm while I went on imitating fish and that time would stop. Then we imitated the time that has stopped.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)Sedela sem v kuhinji. V želodcu me je peklilo. Mama mi je kuhala puding. Razmišljala sem, da sem morda Vesno oslepila, kar se ni niti najmanj ujemalo z vanilijevim pudingom.
When they came to the entrance, the father and mother took Marja and the child by the hands and rushed them off to see the caged animals. There was a bench nearby, a quiet corner for tired and fed up parents to drown their marriage. The child's parents sat there.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)Ulegla se je na prosto posteljo s kozarcem vina in s cigareto v roki, pokrčila kolena, me pogledala in rekla: »Hočem se ljubiti s celim vesoljem.« Žal to vesolje v praksi ni vključevalo mene.
So you’re just a lesbian,” Meng said to me. Then she pointed to my bag, as if to say that’s a lady’s bag, despite the fact that it was big enough to hold folders and books. But I couldn’t conceive of myself as a lady, young or otherwise, or anything like it.
Oblikovala si je svojo filozofijo o kraji, filozofijo M. U. K. To je pomenilo: majhno – uporabno – kakovostno. Če kradeš majhne predmete, to pravzaprav nikomur ne škodi. Vsakdo na tem svetu lahko pogreši kaj malega, kaj šele trgovine ali velikanski diskonti, tam imajo vendar na stotine majhnih stvari, in to celo povsem enakih.
He told me that one day - if I were in his place, of course - one day, when my wife, mother and aunt had taken off for Ljubljana, and my brats had gone with my shiftless brother to school, I would throw myself under an oncoming train. But since I’m not in his place, I don’t have to do that.
Razprodano — nakup e-knjige na spletu Sold out — buy e-book online»S tabo bi lahko bila do konca življenja,« mi je še isti mesec kakor mimogrede rekla. Morali bi se bati tistih, ki nam zatrjujejo, da bi lahko bili z nami do smrti.
I was asking myself how many days it would take before Dara got high once again. I knew that she wouldn’t handle being clean. She never could handle it well. There was always something on which she got wasted: alcohol, pot, acid, E, or women. Like all of us.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)»Predrage gostiteljice in gostitelji,« je nadaljevala Ganca. »Prvi dan pustite goste same doma, da se v miru pokakajo in nemoteno prebrskajo vaš hladilnik.«
Coco could not stop to wonder about the world of dreams. But he determined to try to experience dreaming himself. He wished for simple dreams; dreams in which he would run out of ripe yellow corn or the red flower on his head would get stuck in his wing.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)Zdaj le priznam, da me je gnala radovednost. Ker še nikoli nisem spala z aktivno in sem hotela izkusiti, kako je, če ti ženska ne pusti, da se je dotakneš. Kaj pomeni biti objekt ženski, kakšna je igra moči, ko biologija ni usoda.
Only now do I admit that I was driven by curiosity. Because I had never yet slept with an active and I wanted to know what it was like when a woman doesn’t allow you to touch her. What it means to be an object for another woman, what the power game is like when biology isn’t fate.
Nakup na spletu Buy online (Slovene)soavtorica Segan N. V., Škuc-Lambda, Ljubljana 1995
coauthors Segan N. V., Škuc-Lambda, Ljubljana 1995
študija, Škuc-Lambda, Ljubljana 2004
study, Škuc-Lambda, Ljubljana 2004
memoari, Založba */cf, Ljubljana 2013
memoirs, Publisher: */cf, Ljubljana 2013
eseji, Škuc-Vizibilija, Ljubljana 2013
essays, Škuc-Vizibilija, Ljubljana 2013
(Pod ničlo)
Milena Verlag, Dunaj 2002
(Ime mi je Damjan)
One Woman Press, Praga 2005
(Ime mi je Damjan)
Milena Verlag, Dunaj 2005
Deve, Beograd, 2005
(Ime mi je Damjan)
Sto slovanských románov - Literárne informačné centrum, Bratislava 2008
Zoe edizioni, Forli 2009
(Na svojem dvorišču)
Kontra, Zagreb 2011
Zaglossus, Dunaj 2011
Brane Mozetič in Suzana Tratnik
Inizjamed / Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival, Valetta, 2012
(Tretji svet)
Větrné mlýny, Brno, 2013
(Na svojem dvorišču)
Templum, Skopje 2013
Libri Kiadó, Budapest 2014
Sto slovanskih romanov, Arhipelag, Beograd 2014
Dos Bigotes, Madrid 2014
Sefsafa Publishing House, Kairo 2015
Dalkey Archive Press, Chicago, London 2016
(Noben glas)
Arlequin, Guadalajara 2018
(Ime mi je Damjan)
Blesok, Skopje 2018
(Tombola ali življenje!)
Arete, Beograd 2018
(Ime mi je Damjan)
Black Flamingo Publishing, Sofija 2021
(Dva svetova)
Goten publishing, Skopje 2021
(Ime mi je Damjan)
Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca 2022
(Pontonski most)
Konkursbuch Verlag, Tübingen 2023
Suzana Tratnik (1963, Murska Sobota). Diplomirala je iz sociologije na Fakulteti za družbene vede in magistrirala iz antropologije spolov na Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis. Živi in dela v Ljubljani kot pisateljica, prevajalka in publicistka. Je soustanoviteljica lezbične skupine LL v Ljubljani leta 1987 in sodelavka Festivala LGBT filma. Objavila je osem kratkroproznih zbirk: Pod ničlo (1997), Na svojem dvorišču (2003), Vzporednice (2005), Česa nisem nikoli razumela na vlaku (2008), Dva svetova (2010), Rezervat (2012), Noben glas (2016) in Škarje (2023); šest romanov: Ime mi je Damjan (2001), Tretji svet (2007), Tombola ali življenje! (2017), Norhavs na vrhu hriba (2019), Pontonski most (2020) in Ava (2021), otroško slikanico Zafuškana Ganca (2010), napisala pa je še monodramo Ime mi je Damjan (2002), radijsko igro Lep dan še naprej (2011), dve strokovni deli o lezbičnem gibanju v Sloveniji in o lezbični literaturi ter memoare Lezbični aktivizem po korakih (2013). Leta 2007 je prejela nagrado Prešernovega sklada za literaturo, leta 2017 nagrado Novo mesto short za kratko prozo, leta 2018 nagrado desetnica za najboljši mladinski roman in leta 2023 Levstikovo nagrado za izvirno leposlovje za otroke in mladino. Njene knjige in kratke zgodbe so prevedene v več kot dvajset jezikov, sama pa je prevedla več knjig britanske in ameriške proze in strokovne literature.
V prozi Suzane Tratnik se prepletata dve osrednji temi: usode obrobnih eksistenc v sodobni urbani družbi in pogled na otroštvo v jugoslovanskih socialističnih 60-ih in 70-ih letih.
Suzana Tratnik (1963, Murska Sobota, Slovenia) obtained her BA in sociology from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana, and her MA in gender anthropology from the Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis in Ljubljana, where she lives and works as a writer, translator and essayist. She has been a lesbian activist since 1987, and is a cofounder of Škuc-Lezbična sekcija LL, the first lesbian group in Eastern Europe, and a programmer for Ljubljana’s LGBT Film Festival. Tratnik has published eight collections of short stories: Pod ničlo (Bellow Zero, 1997), Na svojem dvorišču (In One's Own Backyard, 2003), Vzporednice (Parallels, 2005), Česa nisem nikoli razumela na vlaku (Things I've Never Understood on the Train, 2008), Dva svetova (Two Worlds, 2010), Rezervat (Reservation, 2012), Noben glas (No Voice, 2016), and Škarje (Scissors, 2023), six novels: Ime mi je Damjan (My Name is Damian, 2001), Tretji svet (Third World, 2007), Tombola ali življenje! (Bingo or Life!, 2017), Norhavs na vrhu hriba (Madhouse on the Hilltop, 2019), The Pontoon Bridge (2020) and Ava (2021), a children’s picture book Zafuškana Ganca (The Hany Rattie, 2010), as well as a monologue Ime mi je Damjan (My Name is Damian, 2002), a radio play Lep dan še naprej (Have a Nice Day, 2012). She has also published two non-fiction books, one on the lesbian movement in Slovenia, and another on lesbian literature, a memoir Lezbični aktivizem po korakih (Lesbian Activism Step by Step, 2013), and an essay collection Konec strpnosti (The End of Tolerance, 2013). In 2007 Tratnik received the national Prešeren Foundation Award for Literature, in 2017 the Novo Mesto Short Story Award for best short fiction, in 2018 the Desetnica Award for best youth fiction, and in 2023 Levstikova Award for best youth fiction. Her books and short stories have been translated in more than twenty languages, while she herself has translated into Slovene many fiction and non-fiction books and plays by British, American and Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian authors including Jackie Kay, Leslie Feinberg, Kate Bornstein, Eileen Myles, Dorothy Allison, Michael Cunningham, Helen Zahavi, Jeannette Winterson, Ian McEwan, Truman Capote, Judith Butler, Adrienne Rich, Nora Verde, Lejla Kalamujić, Philip Ridley and Edna Mazya.
The two main themes in Tratnik’s fiction are the marginal destinies in contemporary urban life and presentations of childhood in 60s and 70s Yugoslavia.
A selection of Tratnik’s stories were published in English translation in Games with Greta and Other Stories (Dalkey Archive Press, 2016).